
With QuizChick, your content is more interactive than ever!

Rich interaction your content easily and quickly with our types you can create.

Turkey's #1 Interactive Education & Content Platform

Teachers and Students

Which one are you looking for?

Would you like to teach?

Dear teachers; By using our platform, the income will be entirely yours. can prepare and publish educational content in a way that schools, publishers and students You can share with

Do you want to learn?

Schools and Dear Students/Parents; prepared on our platform and with hundreds of published content whenever you want and You can study wherever you want.

Activity Types

Discover Our Activity Types

Multiple Choice

Test with multiple choice count You can create events.

Drag & Drop

Dragging objects to their targets You can generate completed events by leaving


Items using lines activities completed by pairing with each other you can create.


In tree structure, true-false by making markings, answering newly opened questions, You can create events to reach the exit.


Ask questions after watching the video. You can create responsive events.


Activity in hook puzzle type you can create.


After listening to the audio You can create responsive events.

Letter Hunt

Using the given box letters You can create events with the right word.

Total Students
Chose-img Chose-img Chose-img Chose-img 25k+
Safe Content
120+ Activity Type
Quality Content
Discover Our Platform

Why Quiz Chick?

Quizchick is perfect on any device Allows you to create content that appears. Quizchick Content developed with all desktop and mobile can be operated with devices and supported by modern technology makes education perfect.

  • Almost unlimited combinations You can create rich content with
  • Your content is all desktop and can be run on mobile devices.
  • Teachers produce content can share with students.
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